A Hyperrealistic creepypasta

The True Story

so  i went on my hyperrealistic computer to go on hyperrealistic ebay to buy a hyperealistic flute, the hyperrealistic page said that it was hyperrealisticly free, and that was hyperrealisticly suspicious, but still, a hyperrealistic free flute IS a hyperrealistic free flute, so i hyperrealisticly ordred it, half a hyperrealistic second later i heard a hyperrealistic knock, thinking it was the hyperreaistic soaps i ordred a week ago, i opened my hyperrealistic door and saw a hyperrealistic box, so i hyperrealisticly opened the hyperrealistic box and saw the hyperrealistic flute i ordred, i hyperrealisticly thought, how does something i ordred half a hyperrealistic second ago arrives in half a hyperrealistic second? so i hyperrealistcly played  the hyperrealistic flute, hyperrealistic blood came out and stained my hyperrealistic wall, "that's hyperrealisticly great" i thought, "now i have to hyperrealisticly hire a hyperrealistic cleaner to hyperrealisticly clean up the hyperrealistic blood", oh well, its late so off to hyperrealistic bed, i thought to myself, and then i went to hyperrealistic sleep, when i hyperrealictly woke up and went to the hyperreaistic bathroom i found the hyperrealstic flute on the hyperrealistic floor and then a hyperrealictic skeleton hyperealisticly popped out and i hyperrealisticly shit my pants and then hyperrealisticly exploded but not before hyperrealisticly writing this hyperrealistic creepypasta, the hyperrealistic end